Two Powerful Words.

Replace SORRY with THANK YOU to change how the world looks at you.

Words have power. The more you apologize (like ALL the time for anything and everything) the more you gaslight yourself. – A lesson I’m greatful I’ve learnt without further delay.

Even after leaving for a meeting way before I should, I got delayed by 15 mins. How bad could that be? Well, if you’ve got only 30 mins to make a pitch, you know how ugly it is!

Instead of losing my nerve (like I would in the past); on my way, I started thinking about the power of gratitude- that I could put to use to deal with the situation.

“You were expected here at 12”, came a piercing arrow like reply to my ‘Good Afternoon’ greetings.

“Thank you for waiting for me!”, I smiled.

The official, too, now, smiled back. The cabin felt more comfortable and the official more welcoming.

Had I apologized, I would have given her the allowance to believe that I’m not punctual and this one negative impact would have made her lose the interest my proposal had generated before my arrival.

These two words, ‘Thank You’, made an affirmative impact on her to help me deliver well and come out with a successful deal.

Well, ‘Thank You’ alone isn’t enough to help you succeed. But, a feeling of gratitude can certainly help.